
Summer is here
Pyrate fest 15 is in the books and the dockmasters are back to normal.
The 2023 season is going well.
The water level is normal, Though we have had a lot of small craft warnings this season.
We are rafting up to four boats deep as in the past.
We hope with things closer
to Normal
we will see you back at B Dock soon.
When docking we will communicate with you on the radio. Hail us on channel 68.
We will ask you a series of questions. Then, based on your answers we will attempt
to place you in the best location available to suit your needs.
We will ask you to either set lines or set lines and fenders. At this point you will get the lines in place on the appropriate side
of the vessel as well as fenders if requested. There should be a minimum of 3 fenders hanging vertically on the rub rail.
It is not fair to the boat that you will be rafting off of not to be prepared and possibly cause damage.
When everything is in place then notify us you
are ready. Once we have tied up the boats ahead of you we will move to your dock location. We will call you in and provide instructions on finding your location
We will assist you with securing your vessel, connecting your electricity, and will then collect fees.
Check out is at 11 am if we have not cleared a space we can not take you in no mater how many times you hail us at 8:30 am.

Marina Protocol
Use radio communication to control docking procedures.
Contact Us
Never been to B dock or have questions call us at (419)285-2076
Early week discount
If you are coming for 2 nights either Sunday and Monday nights or Monday and Tuesday nights we offer a multi night discount.
Dockmasters are available from 8 Am to 8 Pm. Boats are placed with like boats and rafting is mandatory. We do not take individual reservations.
B dock Face book page
Any Questions Call The office 419 285 2076
or check one of the islands best sources of information on events
Miller Boat line.
During the season dockage will be $2.25 Per foot for overnight, if over 40 foot the cost will be $2.50 per foot for the over night. Charges are for actual space used. Day dockage is also on a sliding scale.
Daily Rate
< 20 Foot $20.00
21- 25 Foot $24.00
26- 30 Foot $28.00
31- 35 Foot $32.00
36- 40 Foot $36.00
41- 45 Foot $40.00
46- 50 Foot $44.00
51- 55 Foot $48.00
56- 60 Foot $52.00
(Sunday-Thursday)in season all week off season ask dockmaster about
availability of daily dockage on weekends. Daily dockage ends at 6:00 Pm
For Daily info check up out on facebook.
One of those great evenings at B dock.
Thank You Taylor Made
A big thank you goes out to Chris of D&I Enterprise
and Fred of Med Corp Collision
for their assistance in getting, delivering, and lettering the box for us! The box comes from Taylor Made and is exactly what we needed. For all you boating needs Taylor made has an incredible array of Products. Many of their fender products come with a lifetime warranty.
Located in the very heart of downtown Put-in-Bay DeRivera Park's B Dock is the place to be at the bay.
The Dock is in the center of the harbors public dock facility. Owned by DeRivera Park Trust all funds generated from the dock are used to maintain
the park or are put back into the dock itself.
This reinvestment of funds provides our patrons with an exceptional docking facility.
Our location, a superior dock, protected dock from any weather, and dedicated dockmasters are the reason many boaters only choose B dock.

Docking B Dock, like the other public docks in the central harbor, is a linear dock. The dock is equipped with a finger
on the south west end, close to the shorline for our customers with smaller boats.
Built in 2001 this is the only small boat dock in the public harbor equipted with electric service and dock lighting. In order to provide service to the maximum number of
patrons, all docks in the central harbor require rafting up to four boats deep. Every attempt is made to match boats of similar sizes to safely
provide the maximum the amount of dockage available to our visitors. In most cases the difference in size between boats will be no more that 3 feet.
The dock assignments are controlled by the dockmaster on duty. As you enter the harbor you should contact B Dock on the calling channel marine #9. After contact
is made the dockmaster will have you switch to marine channel #68 to talk about your assignment and directions.
If you have a 28 foot vessel and dock in the center of a 40 foot hole that is against the dock, the dockmaster will most likely move you to another
location to efficiently use the space available. This will also allow us to help as many boaters as possible enjoy Put-In-Bay in safety.
Don't forget to save your tickets.
Turn them in for your frequent boater Bonus! Save 10 Overnight Tickets
and receive a free night, collect 10 day tickets and receive a free day pass.
 Where does the money go? DeRivera Park is protected by a Trust. The trust was founded in 1866 with the purpose of maintaining a park on the lake in the village of Put in Bay
for ever. The only source of income for the maintainance of the park comes from revenues generated on B dock. The revenues go to pay for maintenance
and repair employe payroll, improvements, utilities, the fountain, and dock improvements and repair. It also pays the mortgage on 18.7 acers of undeveloped land purchased by the trust and left as a natural green
Mandatory rafting.
Jet Skis & Rubber Rafts (in water/on swim platform): $10 each.